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Dolphin Connect welcomes business partners, sales associates and representatives in our various fields of activity.

The Key to Success in Today's Digital World

The expanding growth of fleet vehicles and high insurance costs have prompted experts in this field to explore cost-effective management methods. Among the key areas of focus for researchers is the equitable calculation of insurance premiums and effective management of fleet owners' claims. Real-time tracking and monitoring of insured vehicles emerge as the most powerful tools for managing these aspects. Insurance companies can leverage real-time information about the vehicles to efficiently address drivers' claims related to potential accidents. Moreover, calculating insurance costs based on factors such as driving behavior, operational type, and the specific routes traveled is one of the advantages of tracking equipment and fleet intelligence. This approach not only reduces insurance companies' expenses but also benefits fleet owners, as non-aggressive and low-operation drivers pay lower premiums.

What sets Dolphin Connect apart

The Cooperation Model with Dolphin Connect

Affiliate Program: Dolphin Connect wishes to have distributors as its representative for the distribution of its products.

Who are the business partners of Dolphin Connect Company?

Telecommunication and Telco Companies, Car Manufacturers, Car Rental Companies, Insurance Companies, Fleet Management System Service Provider.

Join Hands with Dolphin Connect

At Dolphin Connect Company, we understand the power of collaboration. We're driven by a mindset to create meaningful partnerships with businesses, organizations, and entrepreneurs, aiming to revolutionize the fleet management landscape. If you're eager to collaborate with Dolphin Connect Company and explore the realm of fleet management, you can submit your partnership request.