
Monitoring the growing number of fleet vehicles and growing data, while maintaining vehicle performance and efficiency


In a single day, smart cars generate up to 450 terabytes of data. Upon hearing this estimate, you're likely wondering how the management of both vehicles and data can be handled, especially given their increasing numbers. To address this challenge, Dolphin introduces a scalable solution for users. Scalability in the field of fleet management and smart vehicles involves implementing strategies and technologies that enable the expansion of the vehicle count while maintaining efficient management. In this scenario, despite the increasing number of cars, the fleet can continue to uphold its performance and effectively manage this substantial volume of information.

What Challenges Do We Respond To?

Managing the Growing Fleet

As the fleet grows, Dolphin's scalable solution ensures that a large number of vehicles, drivers, and their data can be managed. Thus, new vehicles can be added to the fleet while the infrastructure to handle the vehicles is developed.

Data Management

Efficient data management is achieved by deploying the right equipment in the fleet management system. This data includes vehicle tracking information, maintenance records, driver information, and other data obtained from equipment and assets. Therefore, data can be efficiently stored and analyzed.​

Enhancing Fleet Departments Communication

As the fleet size increases, so does the demand for communication between vehicles, drivers, and management teams. This solution includes creating a communication system that can establish reliable communication between different parts by increasing the number of vehicles.​

Establishing a Technology Infrastructure

With the increase in the number of vehicles, their management requires a strong infrastructure capable of supporting the high volume of missions and data. Dolphin has provided this infrastructure, which includes hardware, software, and efficient solutions, to support data processing for users.​

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the scalability solution in fleet management?

This fleet management solution refers to the measures necessary to ensure that the system can remain efficient as the fleet size and the volume of generated data increase.​

In this solution, by allocating appropriate resources and equipment and adapting to the increasing customer demand, the fleet's efficiency improves effectively.​

No; Businesses with small fleets can also use Dolphin's scalable fleet management system and benefit from it.​