
Protecting the data and privacy of the vehicle fleet by applying standards and security considerations


With the advancement of the connected car industry and the integration of sensors and monitoring equipment into vehicles, it can be expected that this progress will bring substantial improvements to the field of transportation. As technology continues to advance in this field, security and privacy concerns have also increased significantly, with major security agencies warning people that car hacking is a real threat. In response to the challenges, Dolphin company has introduced a cybersecurity solution aimed at addressing the security concerns of its users.

Significant Security Challenges in Fleets

Vehicle Remote Control

Accessing the internal systems of a vehicle allows unauthorized individuals to take control of critical functions such as steering, braking, and acceleration, posing a significant risk to people's safety.​

Unauthorized Access to Data

With the vast amount of information shared by smart cars, there is a concern that sensitive private information may be intercepted by unauthorized individuals and hackers. This can lead to identity theft and other forms of cyberattacks.​

Dolphin Security Measures to Solve Challenges

Risk Detection

Identify system vulnerabilities and assess its security requirements​

Security Standards

Implementation of security standards, SSL protocols and data encryption techniques​

Security Protocols

Using CAPTCHA authentication protocols to prevent external access​

Data Protection

eSIM technology deployment to prevent data theft & secure internet connections with APN

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the implementation of eSIM technology help prevent theft of assets and data?

The implementation of eSim allows secure equipment management. This technology makes it difficult for unauthorized users to steal assets and access sensitive data.

SSL protocols are cryptographic protocols designed to ensure secure communication over the Internet. By implementing these protocols, the data exchanged between the system and users is encrypted and prevents unauthorized access.