
Reducing the harmful environmental effects of vehicles by using advanced nature-friendly technologies in Dolphin telematics equipment


You've probably heard Gandhi's quote: 'Be the change you want to see in the world.' This applies to the issue of protecting the environment and achieving a balance between humans, vehicles, and nature. The rise of challenges like increased fuel consumption and growing carbon dioxide emissions from vehicle fleets has prompted organizations to evaluate resource usage trends and identify shortcomings. Many companies now recognize the importance of adopting sustainable transportation methods.

How Does Dolphin's Sustainability Solution Create Value?

Carbon Dioxide Reduction

Minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases and environmental pollutants

Resource Conservation

Efficient use of fuel, energy consumption reduction, and resource responsible management

Cost Savings

Controlling the fuel consumption of vehicles and, as a result, reducing costs

Biodiversity Conservation

Protecting the ecosystem and biodiversity, by complying with the required standards

What Challenges Do We Respond to?

Fuel Management

With the Dolphin fleet management system, users can monitor the fuel consumption of cars with the help of output data and identify high-consumption vehicles.

Route Optimization

Utilizing appropriate hardware equipment and optimizing system configurations to assess vehicle performance and determine optimal mission routes.​


Establishing a maintenance program to minimize vehicle breakdowns, reduce driver idle time, and thus lower greenhouse gas emissions.​

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sustainable solution in fleet management?

The sustainable solution in fleet management includes the implementation of optimal methods along with the use of existing technologies in order to reduce the destructive environmental effects of vehicles in nature.

Suitable trackers and hardware equipment play a vital role in implementing a sustainable solution by providing valuable information in various formats to reduce fuel consumption, minimize idle time, and consequently lower fleet costs.